Certification KC № 10613/10

Legal assistance in the field of corruption and defense of the rights of intellectual power

Види правової допомоги (практики)

  • Economic code

    Economic code of ukraine Article 2. Parties to economic relations 1. Parties to economic relations shall be economic entities, consumers, government authorities and local governments, vested with economic powers, as well as individuals, public and other organisations being co-founders of economic entities, or exercising with respect to those organisational and economic powers based on ownership relationships.…

  • Family code

    Family code of ukraine Article 1. Objectives of the Family Code of Ukraine 1. The Family Code of Ukraine defines the principles of marriage, personal non-property and property rights and responsibilities of spouses, grounds and scope of personal proprietary and non-proprietary rights and responsibilities of parents and children, adoptive parents and children, and other family members…

  • The Labour Code

    The Labour Code of Ukraine Article 1. The task of the Labour Code of Ukraine The Labour Code of Ukraine regulates labour relations of all employees, contributing to the growth of labour productivity, improving the quality of work, improving efficiency of social production and raising on this basis material and cultural standard of living of workers,…

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